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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1847-1848-55

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general literature and science -45 held only so long as the Scholar continues Student of the College Student holding Junior Scholarship must resign the same should he succeed in gaining Senior Scholarship The next Examination both for the Senior and Junior Scho- larships will take place upon the following days Saturday 1st April 1848 Divinity Examination Thursday 6th Preliminary Math Exam Friday 7111 Preliminary Class Exam Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Exam in Mathematics Wednesd 12th Exam in History Thursday 13th Λ Friday 14th Exam111 Class1cs' In the case of all Candidates for the Senior Scholarships and also of those Candidates for the Junior Scholarships who may be Students of the College during the preceding Michael- mas term the preliminary examination will take place at Christmas all other Candidates must pass this examination at the time fixed The Names of all Candidates must be sent in to the Prin- cipal before one o'clock on Saturday March 18 1848 after which hour no name wrill be received The following will be the subjects for Examination senior scholarships Classical Scholarship -The First and Second Books of Samuel The Acts of the Apostles in Greek The Principal's Lectures on the Thirty-nine Articles-those Articles treated of in the Mich Term 1847-Thucydides Books VI Horace-The Seventeenth Century Preliminary Mathematical Examination -Euclid II III Algebra as far as Simple Equations and Arithmetic Mathematical Scholarship -Divinity the same subjects as for the Classical Scholarship-Euclid Algebra Plane Trigo-
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