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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1847-1848-18

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annual report 1847 College except only in the Professorship of Oriental literature and modern languages Provided also tjiat in the admission of Students prefer- ence shall at all times be given to the nominees of Proprietors and Donors That the Council shall have power to accept on behalf of the said College gifts and endowments for promoting par- ticular objects of education or otherwise in aid of the general purposes of the College on such terms and conditions as may be agreed on for the purpose between the Council and the person bestowing such gifts or endowments The following Report on the general state of the College was presented by the Council to the Annual General Court of Governors and Proprietors held Friday the 23i of April 1847 the Lord Bishop of Winchester in the Chair In conformity with annual custom the Council of King's College London have the pleasure of presenting their Repot of its proceedings during the past year the Sixteenth since the foundation of the College So far as numbers may be considered criterion of well- being there is every ground for feelings of satisfaction and hope with respect to the condition and prospects of Knur's College nor will these feelings be diminished when the industry and good conduct of the Students in general as still more essential elements and conditions of prosperity are taken into the account In the following enumeration of Students it will be borne in mind that in accordance with the practice of former years the name of no Student or Pupil though attending liferent classes has been reckoned more than once Matriculated Students In the Department of General Literature and Science 121 In the Department of the Applied Sciences 71 In the Medical Department 182
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