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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1847-1848-170

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GO NAMES OF SHAREHOLDERS Shares Harvey Rev Hornsey Hatchard John Esq Piccadilly Hawkins Esq 36 Finsbury-circus Henley Lord 19 Whitehall-place Hensley Esq 35 Tavistock-square Hertslet Lewis Esq 16 College-street Westminster Heseltine Sam Richard Esq Newington Butts Hickman William Esq St Petersburg House Bayswater Hilhouse Richard jun Esq Hindi William Esq Lancaster Holden Win Esq Bedford-place Ilolford Geo Esq 15 Bolton-streel Holford Robert Esq 15 Bolton-street Holland Rev Dr Poynings near Brighton Holmes John Esq Town Hall Southwark Hopewell Benjamin Toney Esq Horsburgh James Esq Herne-hill Houseman John Esq 14 Essex-street Strand Hudson Robert Esq Clapham-common Hudson Thomas Esq Hume Rev Henry Salisbury Hard Philip Esq Ladbroke-terrace Notting Hill Ingram Robt Esq 17 Osnaburgh-street Regent's-park Johnson Rev 29 Trinity-square Borough Johnson Rev Tilshead Devizes Jones William Leadenhall-buildings Gracechurch-street Jones Esq 16 Chester-terrace Regent's-park Jones Henry Esq 28 Mark-lane Kemble Mrs Α Clapham Kemble Rev Charles St Michael's Stockwell Kemp Nathaniel Esq Brighton Kent Robert Thomas Esq High-street Southwark Kent Robert Thomas Esq Parthenon Club Kent Rev Anthony Kerby Rev Stoke Talmadge Tetsworth King William Esq New-court Old Broad-street King Richard Esq Paymaster-General's Olliee Whitehall King Rev Samuel anit Hawson Esq Langhum Sir James Bart Langham-place Langllow Captain Rd Hatton near Hounslow Langston James Haughton Esq 143 Piccadilly Lawson Charles John Esq Surrey Lodge Lambeth Leake Esq 15 Nottingham-place Leese Edward Esq Baker-street
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