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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1847-1848-100

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medical department The Zoological Department includes Collections of Animals Birds Reptiles Fish Shells Insects Corals &c selected tor the purpose of exhibiting the different forms existing in nature The aim has not been the multiplication of species but rather to simplify the subject for the Student by presenting him with selection only of the more typical forms Section VII medical library and reading room Librarian-T Stephen Esq The Medical Library contains select collection of standard medical works which the Students have the opportunity of perusing either while at College in the intervals between Lec- tures or of taking home with them for limited period Book is kept in which Students are requested to enter the titles of any works they may wish to have added to the Library These are ordered if approved of by the Professors The Medical Library is open every day except Sunday during the whole of the time that the Students are engaged in the College To ensure the objects contemplated in the institution of the Library it is essential that the Students pay attention to the observance of silence and of an orderly deportment during the term allotted for reading in it While in the Library the Students have the power of read- ing of examining the collections of bones and of consulting books of plates Each Student can take home with him three volumes of dit- ferent works at time to be kept for period not exceeding one week Any Student who keeps book or books beyond the speci- tied time will incur fine of sixpence per day for each volume and no other work will be issued to such Student until this fine be paid
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