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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1846-1847-92

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si MEDICAL DEPARTMENT No Student can become Candidate for either of these Prizes who has not regularly attended the daily service of the College Chapel and also the Divinity Lectures nor any who has exceeded his fourth year of attendance at the Medical Lectures of the College Nor can any Student who has ob- tained the first Prize in one year be Candidate in any sub- sequent year The next Examination will take place in October 1846 on two separate days on the first day in Theology on the second day in the two branches of Medical Science The following will be the subjects of the first day's Examination lst and 2d Books of Samuel The Gospel of St Luke Bishop Butler's Analogy Part Introduction Chap ii Of the Government of God by Rewards and Punishments and particularly of the latter Chap vii Of the Government of God considered as Scheme or Constitution imperfectly compre- bended Part II Chap iii Of our incapacity of judging what were to be expected in Revelation and the credi- bility from analogy that it must contain things appearing liable to objections Chap Of the particular system of Christianity the appointment of Mediator and the Redemp- tion of the World by him Chap vi Of the want of Universality in Revelation and of the supposed deficiency in the proof of it There will this year re given Third Prize of the value of ten pounds in books
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