Calendar: 1846-1847 Page 85
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medical department The Student during the last two years should avail himself of every opportunity afforded him of keeping up good knowledge of Anatomy by Dissection The Students are earnestly recommended to attend the Weekly Examinations in the several Classes and also to avail themselves of the assistance of the Medical Tutor If the Student be desirous of accomplishing in three years the amount of attendance required by the College of Surgeons and by the Society of Apothecaries he may do so by attending Materia Medica in his first year and attending one Course of Medicine Midwifery and Surgery in the second Winter Ses- sion and second Course of each in the third The arrangement proposed by the Professor does not at all militate against the Courses prescribed by the two bodies above mentioned and differs from them mainly in extending the period of attendance to four instead of three years The Student who follows the course of study here proposed will qualify himself for examination at the University of London at the College of Surgeons or the Society of Apothecaries and at the College of Physicians in London The University of Edinburgh requires that one year out of the four shall be spent in Edinburgh Students who are intended for the medical service of the Army and Navy are required to attend three Courses of Medi- cine and Surgery and one Course of Chemical Manipulation and those who intend to prepare themselves for the Fellowship of the College of Surgeons require additional attendance in the class of Chemical Manipulations and that three years at least shall have been passed in one or more of the recognised Hospitals or Schools of London
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