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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1846-1847-77

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medic λ ερλ η τ μ ε א τ 25 Aves-Organization and Natural History of Birds Mammalia-Monotrcmata Ornithorynchus Eehidne Marsupialia Kangaroos Opossums &c Cetacea and Plaeent Quadrupeds Second Division of the Course -Comparative Physiology This division qualifies for examination at the University of London Section Organs of Support-a Skeletons of the Aerita Skeletons of the Nematoneura Exo-Skeleton of Articu- lated Animals Dermo-Skeleton of Mollusca Skeletons of Vertcbrata Dermo-Skeleton β Osseous-Skeleton Vhy- siological review of the Osseous Skeleton of Eishes Reptiles Birds and Mammalia illustrative of Human Osteology general History of the Muscular System of Animals Organs of Nutrition-a Methods of procuring Food Instruments of Mastication or Dental Apparatus Chy- lopoietic Viscera Auxiliary Glands subservient to the Nutritive Function Means provided for the Absorption and Assimilation of Nutriment Organs of Circulation and Respiration Organs of Innervation-Comparative Anatomy of the Nervous System Organs of Sensation-Various Modifications of the Appa- ratus of Touch Taste Smell Vision and Hearing Organs of Reproduction Development of the Embryo-n Gemmiparous Gem- muliparous Fissiparous Oviparous Marsupial Placental The subject will be illustrated by most extensive series of diagrams and by the preparations and specimens contained in the Museums of Anatomy Comparative Anatomy Zoology and Geology belonging to the College XL Demon'strations 1א Chemical Manipulation These Demonstrations commence with the Summer Session and terminate about the middle of June
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