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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1846-1847-48

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40 APPLIED SCIENCES The general age for admission into this Department is Sixteen and no one under this age is received except by the special permission of the Principal The full course of study which each Student is recommended to pursue carries him through three Academical Years The year consists of Three Terms viz Michaelmas Term from the beginning of October to the week before Christmas Lent Term from the middle of January to the week before Paster Easter Term from Easter to the beginning of July There are Examinations at the end of the Michaelmas and Easter Terms when the Students are classed according to their proficiency The Examination in June is followed by public Distribution of Prizes detailed Report is sent at the end of each term to the parents or guardians of each Student as to his progress made and as to his general attention and good conduct during the Term Certificates of Attainment are granted to Students and are of two forms -Certificates of Approval and Certificates of Honour In both cases regularity of attendance upon Chapel and upon the Principal's Divinity Lectures are indispen- sable Certificates of Approval may be attained at the end of the second year by those Students whose general progress is considered satisfactory but Certificates of Honour only at the end of the third year and to those whose studies have been pursued with distinguished success No Certificate is granted which among the signatures affixed to it does not include those of the following Professors -The Professors of Mathematics Natural Philosophy and Chemistry Every Student desirous of obtaining Certificate in Civil Engineer- ing is required to present to the Examiners -1 Drawings of the plan elevation and section of Machine accompanied by others showing the details of the Machine drawn in some- trical Projection or in common Perspective Draw ings of the plan sections and cross sections of line of Railway or Canal with calculations of the cuttings and embankments required For the Certificate of Honour each Candidate is required to produce in addition to the above the Geometrical Constructions of Problems in Descriptive Geometry The Diploma of Associate in the Department of the Applied
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