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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1846-1847-24

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1G theological department The General Education of King's College London is car- ried on in five distinct and separate Departments iz The Theological DEPARTMENT 11 The Department of General Literature and Science III The Department of the Applied Sciences IV The Medical Department The School And under these separate divisions every information re- specting the College is given in the following pages The object in view in this Department of King's College is to provide system of sound Theological Instruction essen- tially practical in its nature for the large and important class of young men who propose to oiler themselves as Candidates for llolv Orders This department is under the immediate superintendence the Principal and is conducted by These appointments have been made by the Council with the consent of the Lord Bishop of London as Diocesan and with the approval of His Grace the Archbishop of Canter- bury The course of Instruction in this Department embraces the Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion the Holy Scrip- tures in the Original Languages the Thirty-nine Articles of Keligion the Book of Common Prayer Ecclesiastical His- tory both Ancient and Modern and the theory and practice Tijcologtcal "Department The Rev Alexander M1Caul The Rev Frederick Maurice The Rev Richard Chenevix Trench
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