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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1846-1847-21

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ANNUAL REPORT 1816 The result was the body of Regulations adopted on the 9111 January and the 13th February last -a copy of which is appended to this Report Steps were immediately taken for submitting those Regulations to the Bishops and so favour- ably was the project regarded that the whole Episcopal body without exception signified their cordial approbation of the design and the two Archbishops and twenty-three of the Bishops consented to admit as Candidates for Holy Orders those Students in Theology who should produce the Principal's Certificate the Bishop of Ely and the Bishop of Bangor assigning only local reasons for declining to grant the like privilege in their respective dioceses Upon the consequences which may be expected to result to the Church from this important measure the Council do not feel themselves called upon to enlarge They content them- selves on the present occasion with indicating its probable effects upon the well-being of the College In the Depart- mcnt of General Literature and Science in particular con- siderable accession of numbers may be reasonably expected as well as longer continuance of the Students under training and general increase of activity Nor can the other Depart- ments fail to be beneficially affected not only upon the general rule suggested by experience that the prosperity of one Department leads to the benefit of all but because one portion of the College being devoted to Divinity as distinct object of study must act favourably upon all the branches of instruction and impart to the whole something of the ennobling elevating and sacred character which belongs to Divinity itself The Council have the pleasure of announcing that the fol- low ing Professors of Divinity have been appointed with the consent of the Lord Bishop of London as Diocesan and with the approval of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury as Visitor the Rev Alexander McCaul the Rev Maurice and the Rev Chcncvix Trench The Lectures opened on April 21 For the substance of these ltesoiutions see Theological Department '' pages 16-18
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