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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1846-1847-20

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12 ANNUAL REPORT 1810 knowledge of Divinity are preliminary conditions without which no Candidate is admitted to the Examination the bene- ficial influence of these Foundations upon the moral and intellectual progress of the College will not be disputed The Principal reports that with the exception of the Scho- larship for Divinity open to all the original Departments of the College which will be awarded in October all the Scholar- ships for the present year have been filled up to his entire satisfaction list of all the successful Candidates will be placed during each year in the Entrance Hall and it is intended that the names of the Senior Scholars shall be per- petuated in the large Hall now being fitted up for the purpose of College Meetings The second measure to which the Council have adverted has for its object not merely the advancement of the existing branches of the College but the creation of new Depart- ment It had long been felt that College founded upon the principle of combining all secular learning with religious train- ing could not fully attain even that end without making direct effort for the cultivation of sound Divinity itself that the establishment of School for Theology in immediate con- nexion with the Church would fee the key-stone of the Ac 1- demical system and that King's College would thus gradually become not so much preparation for the Universities as final step both to the other learned professions and to the ministry of the Church The time also appeared to be highly favourable to such measure the multiplication of small benefices and the deficiency in the number of Clergy com- pared with the increasing population appearing to call for an additional supply of persons duly qualified to satisfy the growing wants of the Church Accordingly towards the close of the last year Memorial was presented to His Grace the Visitor and subsequently to the Archbishop of York and the Pishop of London setting forth the expediency of instituting Theological Department His Grace the Visitor was pleased to express his warm approval of the general outline of the plan suggested and to desire that the Memorial might be referred to the Council
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