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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1846-1847-19

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ANNUAL REPORT 1816 11 continue to merit the confidence of Parents by the faithful and able discharge of their duties In order to meet the increase in the number of the Pupils it has been found necessary to provide an additional Classical Master for the School and it is in contemplation to separate the Fourth Class into two divisions Such being the general results up to the present time of system of education tested by the experience of fifteen years the Council have now the gratification of noticing the com- pletion of two measures which conceived in the spirit of the original institution are well fitted to fill up its outline and to widen and strengthen its foundations '1'he first of these measures is the establishment of system of Scholarships in each Department of the College and in the various Classes of the School The Regulations adopted for the Election of Scholars have been framed generally upon the model of the Scholarships in our Universities such modifi- cations being admitted as appeared to be called for by the differ- ing circumstances of the College The Junior Scholarships in all the Departments are tenable only so long as the Scholar remains Student and similar rule is observed with regard to the Pupils of the School but in all cases the Senior Scholarships may be held for specified period Whether the Student or Pupil shall continue his studies in some Department of the College or pursue them at the Universities of Oxford Cambridge or Durham and it may be hoped that the Exhi- bitions thus provided may be the means of assisting the professional training of many deserving young men Any incidental vacancy which may occur before the expiration of the term of tenure will not be filled up before the recurrence of the year to which it belongs the object being to ensure regular periodical succession of each class of Scholarships to each succeeding generation of Students The probable effect of such constant stimulus may be estimated by the fact that at the Examination just concluded after so short notice fifty-three Students of the College and nearly sixty Pupils of the School were competitors for the different Scholarships and when it is added that good conduct and competent
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