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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1846-1847-14

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6 the charter shall during their lives or until their names shall be erased from the said book be and they are hereby constituted one body politic and corporate by the name of 'C je Siobmiore anD Proprietors of iiuig's OToHfgt ttonUon and shall by the same name and for the purposes aforesaid have perpetua' succession and have common seal λ ith power to break alter and renew the same at their discretion and shall by the same name sue and be sued implead and be impleaded and answer and be answered unto in every court of us our heirs and successors "And we do hereby will and ordain that by the same name they and their successors shall be able and capable in law to take purchase and hold to them and their successors any goods chattels or personal property whatsoever and shall also be able and capable in law notwithstanding the statutes of mortmain to take purchase and hold to them ami their successors not only all such lands buildings heredita- ments and possessions as may be from time to time exclu- sively used and occupied for the immediate purposes of the said College but also any other lands buildings hereditaments and possessions whatsoever situate within our United King- dom of Great Britain ami Ireland not exceeding the annual value of five thousand pounds such annual value to be cal- culated and ascertained at the period of taking purchasing or acquiring the same and that they and their successors shall be able and capable in law to grant demise alien or othei- wise dispose of all or any of the property real or personal belonging to the said College and also to do all other matters incidental or appertaining to Body Corporate And we do hereby will and ordain that the various branches of Literature and Science and also the Doctrines and Duties of Christianity as the same are inculcated bv the United Church of England and Ireland shall be taught in the said College under the superintendence of Principal or other Head Professors and Tutors or such other Masters or In- Structure as shall from time to time be appointed in the manner hereinafter mentioned יי And we do hereby will and ordain that the ArehbishAm
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