Calendar: 1846-1847 Page 128
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120 GENERAL LIBRARY REGULATIONS TO BE OBSERVED IN TUB GENERAL LIBRARY The Library is to be used for the purposes of study only quiet and decorum must be observed and the Students must appear in their academical dress as in Chapel and in Lectures The Librarian will be in attendance during Term gem- rallv from 12 to o'clock On Wednesdays from 114 to o'clock On Saturdays from 12 to o'clock On Council days generally the second Frjday in the month from 12 to 12Λ o'clock Books may be used in the Library under the following regulations Any one desiring to have book for perusal in the Library is permitted to take it from the shelf on con- dition that he returns it into the Librarian's hands The Librarian is authorized at any time to ascertain what book any Student may be using Books may be taken out of the Library on written appli- cation only to the Librarian the forms for this purpose being legibly filled up Each form is to contain the title of one work only for which and for its due preservation so long as the form remains uncancelled the borrower will be held responsible Associates are requested to write Medical Students Engineering Students and Occasional Students after their names It is desirable for the convenience of all that books so issued should be returned as early as possible but they must under all circumstances be brought back to the Libia- rian at the end of fortnight from the day of issue In case however no other application has been made for them in the meantime they will be reissued to the same borrower on his tilling up fresh form If it should happen that Student in violation of the last rule keeps book beyond the time allowed he will not be permitted to receive any other books until such book has been
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