King's College London
War Memorials
Home|St Thomas' Hospital|Memorial List|Little, John Wishart 

Little, John Wishart

Major John Wishart Little, I.M.S., died at Karachi on May 7th, aged 41. He was born on March 27th, 1877, the youngest son of Dr. Robert Little of Singapore, and was educated at St. Thomas's Hospital, taking the diplomas of M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. Lond. in 1900, and graduating M.B. Lond., with honours in forensic medicine, the same year. Entering the I.M.S. as lieutenant on June 27th 1901, he became captain on June 27th 1904, and became major on December 27th, 1912. He served on the North-West Frontier of India in the Waziristan campaign of 1901-1902 (medal with clasp). Before the war he was agency surgeon at Gilgit. British Medical Journal 18 May 1918


First name(s)John Wishart
Date of birth27 March 1877
Family detailsYoungest son of Dr Robert Little of Singapore
CollegeSt Thomas' Hospital
Dates at college1895-1900
QualificationsM.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.; M.B.Lond. 1900
Military unitIndian Medical Service
War / conflictWorld War One (1914-1918)
Date of death7 May 1918
Rank at deathMajor
Place of deathKarachi
Cause of deathDied on service
SourcesSt Thomas's Hospital Medical School Records, King's College London Archives; Commonwealth War Graves Commission; British Medical Journal

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