First name(s)
Thomas Frederick
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Curator of laboratory (1850-1854)
  • Demonstrator of Chemistry (1851-1854)
  • Lecturer of Photography (1857-1860)

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Refs: *2 *3 *9
  • Kings School Sherborne (1841-1844)
  • Kings College, London Medical Dept. (1847-1848) (Daniell Scholar 1850)
  • AKC (Associateship of King’s College London) Medical
  • M.B (1850)
  • Ordained Deacon, Durham (1861)
Position(s) held (non King's College London) Refs: *4 *5
  • Council member of the Photographic Society
  • 1861 Minister of the Church of England
  • Rector of St. Saviour's Parish Church, Shotton Colliery County Durham (1867-1890)
Publications Refs: *8 *9
  • Hardwich's Manual of Photographic Chemistry (1855) 
  • A Manual of Photographic Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical by T. Frederick Hardwich.edited by George Dawson & Edward Hadow (7th. Edition, J. Churchill, 1864)
  • Photographic Journal, 343 (1856)
  • A Manual of Photographic Chemistry, Including the Practice of the Collodian Process (J. Churchill 1861 (price 6s 6d)
  • " On the Use of Salts of Gold in Photographic Printing" Journal of the Photographic Society, 2 (21 April 1855), 145 -50
  • With Delmotte et al., ‘First Report of the Committee Appointed to Take into Consideration the Question of the Fading of Positive Photographic Pictures upon Paper’ Journal of the Photographic Society 2 (21 November 1855), 251-52
  • "On the Actions of Damp Air upon Positive Prints" Journal of the Photographic Society 3, no. 42 (May 1856) 39-41

Personal details

Date of birth
Place of birth
Westbury, Somerset.
Date of death Ref: *1
24th June 1890
Place of death Ref: *1
Shotton Vicarage, Easington, County Durham.


Family details

Son of Lieut. John Hardwich R.N. (1795-1846) of Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset and Ann Norman; married Janie Caroline Manisty (1834-1905) in 1863 at Easington; children: Janie F Hardwich (1865-1881), James E. Hardwich (1869-1913), Sarah Mary Hardwich (born 1871), John Manisty Hardwich (born 1873), Walter H Albert Hardwich (born 1876).

Notes Ref: *7

  • In May 1847 Hardwich wrote to the Principal of Kings College (KA/IC/H22) for a place to study at the college for a M.B. and a B.A. He said that he planned to study medicine for the first three years and then to add studies in the Classics and Mathematics during the 4th year and a B.A. degree in the 5th year. He also asked for advice on how this ambitious course of study could be achieved "at the smallest expenditure" .
  • Received special certificates for Physiology and Midwifery as a medical student 1849-1850.
  • Thomas F. Hardwich applied to Kings College in 1850 for the position of Curator of the Chemistry Laboratory (KA/IC/H26) and was awarded the post. Earlier  However, on 7th February 1854 he wrote to the college (KA/IC/H33) resigning his position as Demonstrator of Chemistry "owing to being naturally delicate condition which prevented him from able to the functionality that his position required" . From 1854 to 1860 Thomas F. Hardwich concentrated on photography with a series of experiments, publishing a book on the subject as well as lecturing at the college. Hardwich resigned his post as Lecturer of Photography in 1860 due to failing health. In his letter of resignation, he emphasized the character of photography as applied science and recommended Thomas Sutton precisely on his scientific strengths, describing him as a Cambridge man, a wrangler (like Maxwell) and a "good mathematician" who "understands optics" and "has a fair knowledge of chemistry" .
  • The Council of the Photographic Society described Hardwich as "one of the most distinguished Photographers on the day" in 1860. At Kings he did most of his teaching in his familiar terrain, the basement, where he also visited the chemical laboratories, by then the domain of Daniell's successor, the spectroscopist William Allen Miller. Hardwich specialized in collodion methods, an early photographic process invented in 1850 using glass plates.
  • Using funds provided by Prince Albert, the 1855 Fading Committee, Mr. Hardwich was commissioned to conduct a series of controlled experiments on positive (photographic) prints. The results of these experiments were published in a series of five inspired papers.
  • A photographic portrait of Rev. F. Hardwich by Thomas Williams was displayed at the 1862 International (Photographic) Exhibition.
  • Probate 31st July 1890 Personal Estate was 10, 170 13s 7d.

* References

  1. Will and Probate Register
  2. The Sherborne Register 4th Edition (Old Shirburnian Society) 1950
  3. University of London Calendar 1849, 95
  4. Ecclesiastical Gazette 10 December 1861, 155
  5. Kelly's Directory of Durham (1890)
  6. Photographic Society of London
  7. Calendar of Kings College, London 1850-1851
  8. Impressed by Light: British Photographs from Paper Negatives, 1840-1860
  9. Jordi Cat, Maxwell, Sutton and the Birth of Colour Photography: A Binocular Study (Palgrave Macmillan 2013)
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