First name(s)
John William
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Normal Master of King's College School, 1890-[1924]
  • Normal Master of Day Training College, 1890-[1924]
  • Lecturer on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, 1901-1903
  • Professor of Education, 1903-1924

Education & professional details

Professional activities

Educationalist and historian of English Education

Personal details

Date of birth
Date of death


According to the King’s College London Archives catalogue, "The Department for the Training of Teachers was established under John William Adamson in 1890. In 1896 it was split into two sections: the Day Training College for those intending to teach in elementary schools, and the Department for Secondary Training. These were amalgamated in 1922 to form the Education Department, part of the Faculty of Arts. This became the Faculty of Education in 1968, which merged with the Chelsea College Centre for Science and Mathematics Education in 1985 to create the current School of Education." Ref: *1

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