King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Highlights of the FCDO periodicals collection

About the Falkland Islands magazine

The Falkland Islands magazine was founded by the Very Rev. Lowther Edward Brandon who also served as the first editor.

Brandon was employed by the Colonial Office as the Colonial Chaplain to the Falkland Islands from 1877 to 1892. In 1892 he became the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral where he served until 1907.

He was known for his pastoral care of the community and social as well as religious work. He founded both the first savings bank and Sunday schools on the islands. Initially he typeset and printed the magazine himself.

Brandon returned to his native Ireland in1908 and died in 1933. Editing the magazine then fell to subsequent Deans of Christ Church Cathedral. In 1908 the name of the periodical changed toThe Falkland Islands magazine and Church paper.


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