King's College London
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The Drug Control Centre at King's College

Drug Control Centre analysisDrug Control Centre analysisThe Drug Control Centre was established at King's College in 1978 by Professor David Cowan, a leading authority in the detection of banned substances in sport and one time Laboratory Representative on the International Olympic Committee's Medical Commission.

The Centre is currently the only laboratory in the United Kingdom, and one of only thirty-five worldwide, accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency to analyse urine samples from competitors in order to detect banned substances.

In 1997, it also became the first International Olympic Committee accredited laboratory to meet the prestigious ISO Guide 25 quality standard, providing 'independent assurance of the competence of the laboratory and of the validity of the data it produces'.

The Centre plays a central role in UK Sport's anti-doping programme and undertakes the testing for the Great Britain athletics team during competitions including the Commonwealth Games and the Olympic Games.

It also carries out testing on behalf of other athletic teams from around the world.

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